Palliative Care in West Berkshire
A Home Helpers Care we believe that every person deserves support, dignity and respect in all aspects of their care. Our empathetic and caring Team provide bespoke and compassionate End-of-Life Care.
Working together with the Client, family as well as GP and Health Professionals our Team provides effective management of any symptoms a person maybe experiencing whilst supporting their emotional and physiological needs all in the comfort of their own home.
What is Palliative Care?
Palliative Care is treatment, care and personalised support for Clients with life limiting illness. Palliative Care is focussed on effectively managing symptoms, ensuring the Client can continue to live the life they wish and achieve their own personal goals.
The Home Helpers Care Team are here to help. If you would like more information about our Palliative Care Services in West Berkshire, please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your individual requirements.